Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Bumps in the road

There are always bumps in the road.
Today was a bump.
We went to the chemo room and there was just no getting an iv into a vein.  They tried.  Three of the nurses tried....four times.  Oh well.
I don't like iv's, I suppose no one really does.  I must have the strangest veins.  I hydrated.  But, it just wasn't going to happen today...even with the magical vein machine....
So tomorrow I go and get a picc line..no more vein troubles.  I will then have chemo on Wednesday.
I prayed that God would go before me today.  In fact I was up earlier than usual.  I just felt I needed some time in Gods word today.  He was preparing me.  He reminded me that I had prayed that He go before me today.  So I will trust that He did and that this was His plan.
A picc line will definately make things easier at the chemo room.
So we will trust in that and go forward.
