When I got there I got to share with the nurse about all of you praying for me and how I had been so blessed by it. We started talking about prayer and I shared I attended a large church and that I had so many people praying for me. She said "I need to go to church" and I was able to give her one of our tip cards for our Easter Sunday Services. I was so excited. Good News.
Then when I arrived at the doctor she said "I didn't think you would come today" So I told her that I wasn't blowing off doctor appointments and she laughed and we sat down and talked. She was able to share the diagnosis of the biopsy as stage 1B2 and explained that cervical cancer is the only cancer that can be staged without surgery. Good News. Stage 1 cervical cancer is defined as not spreading beyond the cervical area. That is why, she explained, the oncologist did not think it would have spread and he was only being cautious with the PET test that we will have on Wednesday to just be sure.
I am excited for my Good News today and am looking forward to more Good News to come. Thank you all for your prayers. God has been gracious to me in the peace He has allowed us to have even in our turmoil. Praising Him today and everyday in the Good News days and the bad. I shared with my doctor that I have had up and down days. She asked me if I needed anything for those down days and I was able to share that my bible helps me through those down days. I am so thankful for my Lord and His word.
Read it today! You will be blessed!